Wednesday, August 4, 2010



verb, chose; cho·sen or (Obsolete chose; choos·ing.

–verb (used with object)
to select from a number of possibilities; pick by preference.
to prefer or decide (to do something).
to want; desire.
(esp. in children's games) to contend with (an opponent) to decide, as by odd or even, who will do something.

—verb (used without object)
to make a choice.
to be inclined.

cannot choose but, cannot do otherwise than; is or are obliged to: He cannot choose but obey.

     Hmm...  For my church's Bible Study, before the sermon, they asked us to look up this word.  It's causing me to really lick, chew, and think.  Choose doesn't just mean the very first meaning (to select from a number of possibilities) but means a range of things, like-

     To prefer; want; desire; make a choice; be inclined...

     I really like 2,3, and 7-

     To prefer or decide
     To want; desire
     Cannot choose but, cannot do otherwise than, is or are obliged to.

    The last one made me think about how bad I've been lately about choosing to do my chores, work with horses, do school, and etc.  I do it but I don't want to.  I want to want to.  I want to be #2 or #3 in everything I do!  I do like to work with the horses...  But I can't unless I do everything else I have to do.  Horses are a lot of work.  So are all of our other 500 pets.  One thing that does not help with all of the things I have to do is my lack of organizational skills, time management skills, and my 'scatter-brainness'.  When I'm doing school (or anything requiring brain power) I tend to go into LaLa land like 'look at the pretty butterfly!  Let's daydream [or make a whole book in my head] about the butterfly and not do school (aka anything requiring brain power)...'  I know...  I'm bad.  I just can't help it!  I have the attention span of a gnat!

    Off subject but, I'm watching 'The Last American Cowboy'.  It's AWESOME!  lol ;).

    I'm only allowed to watch a movie Friday night and an occasional show...

     I'm having issues typing today.

     I'm bored

     I'm going to go now...

     I didn't sleep last night.  I had a migraine...

     This is TOTALLY off subject...

     I'm making dinner tonight...

     I WILL stop now...

     Good Bye and Good Night...

     Anna now calls Ah-wah (Lauren, Ah-wah doesn't sound very similar...)


     I'm in a REALLY random mood...

      Good Bye!

1 comment:

Abigail said...

I'm JUST like you!!!! I don't have a long attention span either! In school, esp! I just can't sit there and concentrate for long periods!!!! Ugh. But we have to pray and ask God for His wisdom and the attention to get what we need done done. Normally helps me! He's the only one that can give us that! =)

Giving GOD the Glory!

A Good Poem...

When you run so fast to get somewhere
you miss half the fun of getting there
if you worry and hurry through your day
it's like an unopened gift
thrown away
Life is not a race
Do take is slower
hear the music
before the song is over."