Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Bridleless riding...

Sonny is doing soooo good with his freestyle:)!  We can weave, do figure 8's, trot to walk to halt to back up transitions w/out using anything but my body language!!!!!!!  Our online is doing good but I need to learn when to stop.  He does really good until I either a) bring him away from his buddies  or b) ask for a figure 8.  I got a couple good figure 8's then stopped.  Our Liberty is doing good and he will now pretty consistently trot after me and I can sit under him w/out worrying about getting run over by him:)!  I am going to *try* to get a round pen set up but I have to earn up the money for the T-posts and electric tape myself:P!  lol!  I can't wait until I have one!!!!  We can't afford to do the corral panels because they are soooo expensive!  I would rather have a barn:P!  lol!
Red's been doing good too:).  I've been working on his confidence issues with the purple ball.  He's gotten a whole lot better:)!  I haven't ridden him in a while because he was growing but hopped on for a second yesterday and he did REALLY good for not being ridden in a while:)!  Well I've gtg!  ttyl!
~Savvy Out and God Bless~


•Karis Brown• said...

Hey Lauren! I'm going to reply to your post on your blog I don't know why but that's how I like to reply to people. =)
Well, I mean it was hot but I could stand it. I'm not quite sure why it wasn't as hot. I think my summer was just so darn great I didn't pay as much attention to the heat. I bet Florida is hotter tho.
I don't l know! I would love to come too you soon! Or you could come see us! haha Well, I'm sure that's hard because of your amazing horses. I WANT ONE! Yeah, you should call me some time too!


Jordyn Daniels said...

lol! Its a good idea and easier for the other ppl:)! It actually is cooler because we have a nice sea breeze and our property is open the only thing is is that it stays hot for longer:(! Then come on down!!!!! You can go through Georgia *wink wink* and then come and visit;)! THEN GET ONE!!! You already earn enough money a month to board him and have enough to pay for the vet bills that will pop up:)... I'll *try* to call you tomorrow if I can convince my mom it is EXTREMELY important I talk to you! lol!

•Karis Brown• said...

Haha! Ok, yeah I would LOVE for you to call me! I know I want to visit! When you call maybe we can talk more about it. =)

A Good Poem...

When you run so fast to get somewhere
you miss half the fun of getting there
if you worry and hurry through your day
it's like an unopened gift
thrown away
Life is not a race
Do take is slower
hear the music
before the song is over."