Saturday, November 28, 2009

Our Freestyle is...

Sonny and I  2-3 years ago

AWESOME!  I can now (some/most of the time) ride Sonny ABSOLUTELY bridle-less!  As in NO neck rope/carrot stick!  WOO HOO!  We are still working on refining it.  But I am soooo HAPPY!!!!  YAY!

Toby and I have been playing around with our freestyle too :).  He can now walk on with out me having to start tapping him with my carrot stick on the rump :).  Over the past few weeks Toby has gotten really good with his halter porcupine game.  He now moves off of the littlest amount of pressure.  This is big for him.  You have to remember that this is the horse that used to play tug-o-war with me EVERYTIME I would ask him to move off of pressure from the halter.

I may have enough money to get the L1/2, L3, AND L4 Parelli *new* level packs!  I have the savvy club now so I only need $300 to buy all 3!  YAY!  I'm going to be getting around $50-100 next weekend and then for Christmas everyone gives me money so I should get $100-200 from that and then for my b-day (January 9th.  I'll be 14!!!  I'm going to be driving in a little more than a year!!!!  Scary!  Stay off the roads!) I get the money they would normally spend going out to eat ($100-150) because I will eat home instead PLUS I get all the money relatives send (I have LOTS of relatives too :} ) so I should be ordering them by Febuary!  I'm really excited!  Well I have to go and price all of my stuff for our yard sale :} .  UGH!
~Shalom, Savvy Out, and God Bless~


Abigail said...

I hope you get eogh money to get packs! You had a yard sale?? I think we should have one, but Mom doesn't...

Jordyn Daniels said...

It's next weekend on Saturday :)... I agree with your mom! Yard sales are NOT fun!!!!! You also don't get that much money :'(... People can be so greedy! We have things that are normally $50 marked down to $5! Even then people may make us go down!!! UGH! Oh well... I better go and hel my g-ma with Anna Grace...

~Lauren, Sonny, and Toby

Abigail said...

Yeah. but I have so much stuff I could sell in a yard sale! The last yard sale we had was in Teachey, NC, it was when my grandparents died and we had to sell a lot of their stuf. We made a TON of money!! We had so many people come!!! Of course, in Teahcey all the people hit the yard sales!!! We had a TON of colored people come, although, that's logical since all Teachey really has in it is colored people, but it was fun!
P.S Remind me to tell you the story of a certain colered lady that came to the yard sale. Just remember to remind tomorrow @ Co-op!!!

•Karis Brown• said...

My goodness Lauren, you're so pretty!

Jordyn Daniels said...

*think Micky Mouse voice!* Aww Shucks... *micky mouse giggle* Thanx! You are very pretty too!

~Lauren, Sonny, and Toby

Sarah said...

Awesome, Lauren!!! Give all the horses a hug and kiss for me (especially Toby)! See ya tomorrow, cuz!!!

•Karis Brown• said...

COME! Tell your dad I'll cry if you don't come see me! Ok, don't tell him that, but I will cry thoguh! I miss you! And that comment you left on my blog just about made me cry!

Love you!

•Karis Brown• said...

Hey Lo! I just tagged ya on my blog. Go look and see. =)

A Good Poem...

When you run so fast to get somewhere
you miss half the fun of getting there
if you worry and hurry through your day
it's like an unopened gift
thrown away
Life is not a race
Do take is slower
hear the music
before the song is over."